paranoiac▲critical ego dis(re)cognition . .

paranoiac▲critical ego dis(re)cognition . .
come hacker
Image by “φragments insoumis”

published as cover in
Cognition and Capital (인지와 자본) – Joe Jeong Hwan (조정환) (Publisher: Galmuri Press)
Outlining a Theory of General Creativity .. on a ‘Pataphysical projectory
Entropy ≥ Memory . Creativity ²

Study of the day:

"La propriété génère, pièce par pièce, la cuirasse de la subjectivité. Cette cuirasse est une coquille creuse, qui sépare le rien qui est le moi, du rien qui constitue les moyens qui lui sont extérieurs, et par lesquels il arrive à croire qu’il existe."

"The property generates, piece by piece, the armour of subjectivity. This armour is a hollow shell, which separates the nothing that is the "me", from the nothing that constitutes the external means, and by which it comes to believe it exists."

( Kenneth McKenzie Wark – Un Manifeste Hacker )

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Siamo la Società Leader nel settore dell'Hacking Etico e della Cybersecurity che ha supportato migliaia di privati, professionisti ed aziende in oltre 20 anni di attività (più di 600 solo quest'anno).

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