Instagram vs Real Life & Funny Tricks!

Phone Photo Life Hacks and Video Ideas!

We all know that Instagram isn’t always the best representation of reality.

But sometimes we can’t help but get all caught up in the photo tricks and embellishments and it’s hard not to completely lose touch with reality!

But simply remember – we’re all just people, wanting to share our lives with hundreds of our closest family and friends. So take Instagram with a grain of salt and don’t worry about things too much.

Because sometimes reality is way more interesting than your Instagram life.

0:22 Bathtub selfie vs real life

0:58 Girls night out: expectation vs reality

1:25 Airplane window view, or not?

1:51 Is it a fancy dinner?

2:26 How to lose weight in 1 minute?

3:08 Reality behind the perfect photos

3:34 I woke up like this… Flawless!

3:58 Hate going to a gym? Here is a nice trick for you!

4:34 Is this some new makeup trend?

4:53 This looks like fun!

5:26 Do you think yoga is easy?

6:11 Not forever alone anymore!

6:55 Couple goals 🙂

7:09 BLOOPERS!!!

#PhotoHacks #Instagram #DIY

Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/
Video Rating: / 5

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