Is DANIEL with PROJECT ZORGO? Searching for Abandoned Hacker Safe House Exploring Clues & Riddles

Who is Daniel talking with on his Apple Watch?
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After Vy Qwaint made PROJECT ZORGO vs CRYSTAL & NINJA GADGETS in Real Life (Delorean Obstacle Course Race Against Time), Daniel uploaded PROJECT ZORGO CHASE DANIEL Searching for Crystal (24 Hours Challenge with Riddles in Real Life), and I, Chad Wild clay created PROJECT ZORGO TOOK My CAMERA & TRAPPED ME in HIDDEN TUNNEL (Hacker Trivia Escape Room Challenge), Project Zorgo posted a new YouTube video called I FOLLOW CHAD WILD CLAY & VY QWAINT to Take Mystery Items (Project Zorgo Member PZ4 Breaks Crystal) . So we went on a crazy hacker chase in the Delorean while Daniel is flying the drone exploring for the mysterious crystal. We only had 10 minutes until time ran out! While on the scavenger hunt, we drove through an obstacle course and an abandoned town to regain possession of this mystery item. Suddenly a PZ member appeared and destroyed the crystal in fruit ninja fashion with her ninga and spy gadgets! We must find more evidence, clues and riddles to solve and unbox the secrets of the red button in the Delorean. We were interrupted by Daniel’s apple watch however. He is acting really suspicious. Who is sending him text messages? Is it Joseph Banks? Stephen Sharer? Matt and Rebecca? Or a hacker from PROJECT ZORGO? How could he betray the CWC crew like this? He claims he has evidence that a brand new safe house exists but in order to discover it we must follow him, searching for riddles and clues. In the process we spied on a secret PZ meeting! Thank you for watching my PG entertainment family friendly comedy videos for kids in 2019!

Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
MrBeast – I Advertised Pewdiepie At The Super Bowl


Matt and Rebecca – DONT POP The WRONG Balloon From 45 FT! (Game Master Mystery ingredient Slime Challenge)

Team Edge – Last to Leave the Circle Wins! | Paintball Edition!!

Matthias – Dope or Nope – 10 GIANT Products that Actually Work!

I’m Chad Wild Clay and you can hang with me here:

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Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here
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