Kingdom of Lies: Unnerving Adventures in the World of Cybercrime (English Edition)

Kingdom of Lies: Unnerving Adventures in the World of Cybercrime (English Edition)

Kingdom of Lies: Unnerving Adventures in the World of Cybercrime (English Edition)

“Kingdom of Lies is a brilliant and bold debut, as full of suspense as the best crime thrillers.” —Linda Fairstein, New York Times bestselling author of Blood Oath

In the tradition of Michael Lewis and Tom Wolfe, a fascinating and frightening behind-the-scenes look at the interconnected cultures of hackers, security specialists, and law enforcement A 19-year-old Romanian student stumbles into a criminal ransomware ring in her village. Soon she is extorting Silicon Valley billion

Prezzo di listino: EUR 13,05

Solo per oggi su Amazon: EUR 13,05

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