Ngobaran beach gunung kidul

Ngobaran beach gunung kidul
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Image by Jimmy McIntyre – Editor HDR One Magazine
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Travel Diary Day 31
(Today’s Photo –

We’ve migrated now to a lovely little island called Nusa Lembongan. The council was making some repairs. The whole island was without electricity.

I noticed a couple of hours ago that the air con suddenly turned on and started blasting our cold air – evidence of electricity. A hotel worker was bringing us some cappuncinos at the time. I said that since the electricity was now on I could access the internet, and asked him for the wifi password.

He said there was no electricity.

I showed him the air con.

He said there was no electricity.

I demonstrated the turning off and on of the air con.

He insisted there was no electricity.

I remarked how the air con made a beeping noise when it turned on, an impossibility without electricity I deduced.

He was sure there was no electricity.

I flicked the bedroom light switch on and off.

He wasn’t convinced.

He walked out of the room. His mother, the hotel manager, told him the electricity was back on. He turned to me and ‘Now there is electricity’.

I bellowed ‘I just said that!!’ while throwing my arms in the air like whiny teenager. He shrugged.

I’ll never understand why I wasn’t able to convince him.
Today’s Photo –
This looks like something out of Lord of the rings but is actually a beach not far from Yogyakarta.

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