How to crack wpa/wpa2 with commview for wifi

iam not responsible for any illegal work with this tools. this is only for educative purpose to proove that wpa and wpa2 are not that much secure
commview for wifi:

Here i used my own wordlist ( dictionary.txt ) for cracking because it is on croatian language. You should use any of .txt files you download here. All of that files are dictionaries. The bigger file you use, the better. DO NOT ASK ME TO SEND YOU DICTIONARY.TXT BECAUSE IT WILL NOT HELP YOU. THE PASSWORD OF THE NETWORK NEED TO BE IN .TXT FILE YOU USE, OR CRACK WILL FAIL. THAT IS MY OWN WORDLIST WHERE I PLACED MY NETWORK PASSWORD, SO IT WILL SAY SUCCESS.
btw. signal strength is very important at capturing handshake
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