IS REGINA at a HACKER HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST? We Follow Best Friend to Unexpected Secret Meeting


After Chad Wild Clay made REGINA’S MOM REVEALED! Spending 24 Hours Saving Clues to Reveal Parents Secret Files Training Safe, Vy Qwaint created REGINA LEAVES SPY NINJAS SAFE HOUSE! Spending 24 Hours Spying on PZ9 Training & Hackers Secret Files, and Daniel uploaded HACKERS CAPTURE REGINA & VY in Biggest Project Zorgo Heist – Planting 20,000,000 Trees in 24 Hours to the Exposing Project Zorgo YouTube channel, Regina took a lie detector test and it is revealed that there is more top secret information about her past since the hackers erased her memory! She got really sad and went into her secret room, took her belongings and ran away from the safe house. She is now hanging out with PZ9, Melvin! We got into a battle royale with PZ9 but Daniel and Regina also had a battle challenge themselves. It stinks that they’re not best friends anymore. We searched for clues, riddles and puzzles, as to where her location could be. Once we discovered it, we discovered she’s at a Halloween Costume Contest Party Secret Meeting! We have to go undercover in disguise to trick the hackers that we are part of their group! Which one is Regina? I hope we do not choose the wrong hacker! I also kind of hope I win the contest and get ,000! We have to pick a hacker and do a face reveal to determine if it’s Regina or not! Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy vlog videos in 2019!

Watch my friend’s awesome videos:

Guava Juice – 10 Things Not To Do Trick or Treating..

Team Edge – Build Your Battle Boat! | Sink Your Opponent!!

Lucas and Marcus – Checking Out OTHER GIRLS In Front Of My Girlfriend… (bad idea)

Morgz – Going Back to School for a Day – Challenge

Dude Perfect – We Broke The Budget | Overtime 12 | Dude Perfect

▶ CWC Monthly Box –
▶ CWC Shirts & Backpacks –

I’m Chad Wild Clay and you can hang with me here:

Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here

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